November 19, 2009 | Permalink | Comments (1)
Tags: Ray Castle new album
MERCURY—the messenger—turns RETROGRADE in LEO Sunday July 15 until Aug 8. Revisions, reconsideration, reviews, double checking, resurrection of creative projects, love life. Antidote: more attentive listening, precise communication before minor errors become calamities. People from the past tend to come back into orbit. Tricky time for techno gadgets & cars & mechanicals & major purchases n agreements n contracts. The next Mercury retro cycle will be during November 14 Eclipse in Scorpio (more on that later)…
July 14, 2012 | Permalink | Comments (0)
May 23, 2012 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Venus—signifier of relationships, love, pleasure, art, assets—turns retrograde in restless, dextrous, Gemini from May 15 to June 27. Retro review time and new options in the mental air. Buried stuff from the past (& emo) potentially resurfaces—and old friendships/alliances can come back into personal orbit, and the reinvigorating of unused talents.
The eclipse of Venus across the Sun June 6 takes place when the planet Venus passes directly between the Sun and Earth, becoming visible against (and hence obscuring a small portion of) the solar disk. During a transit, Venus can be seen from Earth as a small black disk moving across the face of the Sun.
May 14, 2012 | Permalink | Comments (0)
VENUS into mind-game GEMINI from today April 4—‘Talk & TXT Is A Turn On’— and stays there until August 7. The love and relationship planet is chatty and flirtatious in split personality Gemini. Chit chat is delightful, but can be deceptive as make-up, and can deflect from serious issues.
Vivacious Venus is retrograde from May 15 till June 27. The reversal of the love planet can slow down romantic progress as well as trip over buried feelings and unaddressed intimacy issues, which can require looking back. Key themes of Venus—self worth, art, pleasure, partnering are likely to surface while Venus is moving backwards.
April 04, 2012 | Permalink | Comments (0)
MERCURY goes direct today Weds April 4—communication is more fluid, data flows more freely, machines stop mucking up, unravel hitched-up plans, misunderstandings, find mislaid objects. But the mind is still tripped and facts/details elusive as MERCURY nebulously swims through highly imaginative, dreamy magical PISCES. Excellent for channelling visionary, non rational parts of the brain—art, music, poetry, dance…
MERCURY returns to ARIES April 17, after which time, expect more straight up-front talking, with, perhaps, the head moving faster than the body. And action planet—MARS—(very much to do with libido ignition) finally goes direct April 14, having been frustratingly in reverse in highly analytical, fussy VIRGO since mid January. Too much head raking over details has been getting in the way of decisive action, which hopefully now has a reviewed focus of intentionality, and hits the bulls eye of revised desire.
Pic—Heidi Taillefer
April 04, 2012 | Permalink | Comments (0)
“We really have to make a stand, its February peak time with the Sun in group minded Aquarius,” Jules declared, emphasising his understanding of astrology’s laws of excitation. “Tonight’s a fat full moon in rapturous, dramatic Leo. Everyone is here now, play time is well overdue, the scene needs to get a full trot on. We’re going for broke, a 24 hour party, mid day to mid day, sun set, moon rise, moon set, sun rise. We are tribes of the moon aren’t we? ”
From out of a blue and silver leather shoulder bag featuring planet-symbol-glyph designs he produced two Sony Walkman Professional tape players in black leather cases which had day-glow Om stickers, as well as two RCA mini jack leads, which he handed to Disco Des, who proceeded to patch them into an old battered mixer on the small wooden DJ table. Disco Des brought a bigger third player, a JVC twin deck boogie box with build in speakers for cueing tracks into which he immediately snapped a newly recorded Maxell chrome cassette. Plugging in his headphones he fast forwarded searching for a sound check track—Psychic TV’s ‘Jack The Tab’. Jules lit sandalwood incense sticks and inserted them in a small holder on the table next to amethyst crystals clustered around a mini nataraj shiva shrine.
To the side of the grassy dance floor, on adjacent terraces, chai mamas were arriving with their mini store merchandise and utensils packed in cane baskets balanced on top of their heads. They unrolled their mats which would become landing pads for sweaty dancers and neatly arranged their snacks of cakes, fruits (bananas, pine apple, coconuts) and kerosene cookers, glasses and spice ingredients for chai. Everyone had their favourite chai mama, and entrusted them with their shed garments and accessories, even their money belts and passports. Beema, Jule’s regular chai mama, beamed him an big optimistic happy smile as she lit a stick of incense which she stuck in a banana. A bar whallah had arrived and was unloading bottles of Limca soft drink, soda water, Kingfischer beer and a big block of ice in a sack from off a bullock drawn cart." © metaray
February 08, 2012 | Permalink | Comments (3)
1st New Moon 2012 (Chinese Dragon New Year)— in Aquarius—the sign most associated with the dawning of a new age. A harmonious aspect to Aquarius’s ruling planet Uranus, the liberator, and one of the principal Greek gods conceived from Chaos, who SHATTERS OLD FORMS TO MAKE WAY FOR NEW ONES.
Time for something completely different: “Nature loves courage. You make the commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the wold will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick…This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it’s a feather bed.” (Terrence Mckenna)
Art (KC)
January 23, 2012 | Permalink | Comments (1)
Full Moon in your sensitive sign—Monday (9.1.12) puts you in touch with your needs and feelings. You resonate to the mother matrix—nurture yourself physically and emotionally so that you can be of service to others. A Mercury/Chiron hookup Tues allows your words to massage others. Someone may give you a lead, even prise open a door, which can lead to a career change. Deep conversations are edifying & psychically cleansing Fri. Venus and Neptune become soluble in the infinite oceans of Pisces from Sat—your spiritual intuition is becoming high resolution and foreign countries and higher plateaux study courses serve to further.
January 09, 2012 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Full Moon Monday (9.1.12)—focus on immediate needs, resources, $ and possible biz with others. Communication is dramatic Wed/Thur. Mars has the potential to detonate hidden desires, wanton cravings—Fri, passionate excess is highly inevitable. Venus coats Sat/Sunday with dreamy creamy romantic gushy soft-focus overtones. Venus into artistic Pisces for the next 3 weeks has high potential to enhance your talents—opportune for shining at you job, and many opportunities unfold to connect with the right peeps thru your network to assist you.
January 09, 2012 | Permalink | Comments (0)
It's Full Moon in Cancer Monday (today)—important information, particularly pertaining to overseas or a study course. Get ready for a Mars super booster energy infusion Fri and deep conversations in the evening. Neptune kaleidoscope blitzes your imagination Saturday—super groovy for party antics, entertainment escapism, dancing, music fantasia. Venus from Saturday, for the next 3 weeks, brings friendship nourishing support and inspiration—favourable time for group, team, involvement endeavour.
January 09, 2012 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Full Moon in Cancer Monday (today)—deal with home, family, domestic issues. It is a day of hot energised discussions. Fri is a Mars power day, especially skills application with work. Expect new developments on the job front. Saturday very Neptunian: perfect for entertainment, music, dancing… Venus enhances Sat night/Sunday—salubrious for romantic melts and outrageous indulgent pleasures.
January 09, 2012 | Permalink | Comments (0)
A tender—(Cancer full Moon today—9.1.12)—toughness (Sun Capricorn) polarity is favourably aspected by a skilful Mars in practical Virgo. Mercury having just gone into Capricorn makes aspects to all outer planets —and especially a tense angle to Uranus to stir up hot discussion about necessary changes afoot for the 2012 Cardinal shift bearing down on a personal level and far reaching global collective issues.
January 09, 2012 | Permalink | Comments (0)
The last Full Moon of 2011 today in mental Gemini—an Eclipse—which are always cosmo-collective-accelerators and highlights tension between immediate needs and future goals.
Mercury, Gemini’s, planet, is currently retrograde, thus bringing to a head all ideas, plans, discussions, deals, agreements and the need to renegotiate, review, revise for when Mercury goes direct next Weds.
Mars makes a tense angle to the Sun and Moon so, so emotion can be vigorous and testy. Ind addition, Uranus, the rebellious awakener, which has been a shocking catalyser for change—i.e, immense political and geological quakes this year, since it went into (new beginnings) Aries in March, the exact day of the major Japanese earthquake and has been retrograde since July, but today goes direct, and will give more traction to collective forces seeking change to old systems that are crumbling; and especially as it starts to make a stress angle with deeply transformative Pluto (exact June 2012), as it has already done this year, and will continue through till 2015.
Symbolic of individualised will and collective forces, Mars (armies or corporations) will be in the feminine, ecological sign of Virgo till July 2012, also ruled by Mercury, and going through a retrograde phase, which is likely to bring out global government brinkmanship dealing with conflict as well as interpersonal dynamics in relationships.
Venus is the go-between diplomacy goddess, she is in various-view-points Gemini from April, staying there till August, including a retrograde phase. So mid 2012 is loaded for an evolving new order to be brokered, albeit—tentatively, and touches upon the Gemini Eclipse today which resonates with unresolved deepening conflict—civil war in Syria and the UK (reneging) pulling out of the Euro and further fractures in the global fiscal system.
Pic-Mt Astrologer Magazine
December 10, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (1)
Mercury—the communication planet—in loquacious dramatic Sagittarius goes into a tricky retrograde, backwards mode from Thurs till Dec 13.
Double-check details, travel plans and maintain equipment to avoid untimely breakdowns. Be prepared to redo, review, revise, re-evaluate. There can be an undertow of unfinished business. Not smooth for initiating new projects. Pay attention to all communication exchanges. Avoiding misunderstandings and omissions to minimise complications. Best used for tidying up loose ends and revisiting the past.
November 21, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Mercury and Venus riding together thru—philosophical mind-expanding—Sagittarius until trickster Mercurious flips backwards—retrograde, Nov 24—(more on that slippery-glitchy transit later). It will be globally-communicatively awakening, grappling with the-big-picture—expanded-vision—issues now bearing down on economies-of-wellbeing.
Neptune (compassion and belief systems) goes direct in communitarian revolutionary Aquarius, Thurs; followed by a highly numerologically nuanced Full Moon Friday—11.11.11—At which time 11 a.m. (Austl) I, and Eye, and The Boredoms, and many others will be beating ritual cymbals and drums at the Island Quarry Byron Bay. Please join us, or tune in by telekinesis.
November 04, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (0)
The personable, agreeable, affable, societal, legal, relational—LIBRA NEW MOON has her ballast scales blasted topsy-turby by heavy hitting transformational Uranus and Pluto. Pressing indicators of radical changes marked by breakdowns and breakthroughs in politics, economics, relationships. Shirking behind laxive diplomatic smiles won’t cut it now.
September 27, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Hot Venus alert day (Friday) as she makes a steamy connection with Pluto, (ideal psychopomp for salvaging damaged relationships with nostalgic music in the background) but retro Mercury is still hung-up, communicatively glitchy, slowly getting back into first gear on the weekend. Ideal for clearing the static air gunk, relationship funk, and putting projects back on track.
August 26, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Increased efficiency, practicality – get the job done – with SUN & VENUS in problem solving, analytical, refined taste enhancing – VIRGO, for the next few weeks. Plus retro-messenger Mercury (Virgo’s ruler) shifts into forward gear from Saturday giving better communicative traction: contacts and seeding, manifesting, new ideas.
August 23, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (0)
The importance of collaboration. Venus/Mercury conjunction with regal Sun in Leo can elevate ego needs or florid amorous dramatics. But this egalitarian lunation reveals the importance of collaboration rather than hierarchal dominance. A face off between the intellect (head-Aquarius) and emotional passions (heart-Leo). The deeper issue: Love and approval.
August 13, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (2)
Mercury the quicksilver messenger trickster has stopped dead and is about to go retrograde for 24 days, turning direct Aug 26. Nail down your data, grease up your agreements. Communication can become stressed, words misunderstood, deadlines are missed, plans unravel during this cycle. Attention to details are especially important, as Mercury commences retro from Virgo, which it rules – particularly techno gizmos.
Transiting backwards back through Leo where it has already been, Mercury’s backflipping can distort perceptions, especially around Aug 8 when it is opposite foggy, deceptive Neptune. There can be a tendency to invest ideas with more confidence than they merit which can lead to disappointment when these concepts are tested against reality. But can be effective for improving, revising systems and creative projects, as well as reviewing affairs of the heart, love, romance. The Sun and Venus are also in Leo, and associated with relationships and the arts.
August 02, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (3)
Responsibilities, worldly duties and relationship politics can take on a heavy tone with the determined CAPRICORN FULL MOON opposite soft, fuzzy, sensitive, Sun in Cancer. Tension between Mars and Uranus can create interpersonal sparks with snap-crackle-pop communication.
Full Moons are always peak times and a balancing of opposites. This one is the flow from exterior fierce to inner fluffy – particularly reflective of the Full Moon's ruling planet, task master Saturn, in fair-minded Libra.
July 14, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Bounteous JUPITER in fecund Taurus harmoniously trines transformational PLUTO in ambitious Capricorn. A prescient, productive, growth aspect in EARTH SIGNS through to March 2012. Philosophical pragmatism: The power to apply resources in more effective ways. Launch ambitious new professional plans with realistic foundations.
July 07, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Hot Spot (Zeitgeist 2012) SOLAR ECLIPSE IN CANCER today involving Sun, Moon, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto intensifies the pressure drop of stressful 90-degree squares forming a cardinal grand cross.
Eclipses are accelerators and this one in – security orientated sign of Cancer – and triggering revolutionary planets, portends to the breaking of patterns: Signalling major crossroads, where the old must be broken down in order for the new to break through. Volatility and surprises challenge constraining Saturn and transformational Pluto. Pressure is building that can affect major institutions and individuals to be part of the process of change, regeneration, improvement rather than holding onto the past.
July 01, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (0)
The Solstice Sun in the sign of Cancer resonate to themes of security & safety. I tried to get air born but was grounded by volcanic ash today – symbolic of the current age: Humanity under the force of nature and a noxious, corrosive, global economy, breaking down to be regenerated, transformed.
Uranus square Pluto (revolutionary planets) currently squaring off, reflective of global political tension escalating and collapse of $ system. Pluto opposition to the Solstice Sun (the King/leaders/symbols of authority) are under-minded – clinging onto old models of security. The Sun’s entry into the cardinal Cancer sign on Solstice focuses the ‘cardinal square crisis’ of the current age. The reforming of old models of ‘security’ and political, economic power structure. Uranus signifies shocks, both physcially and political-culturally, via revolutions and seismically, in Christchurch/NZ and Nth East Japan with earthquake tremors, plus the Plutonic earthy convulsions of the Chilean Volcano which is halting air traffic downunder (Austl/NZ).
June 22, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Mars joins Venus zigzagging about in chatty, split-minded Gemini for the next 5 weeks. Give good phone. Listen to my new song – TXT AFFAIR with FIDGET WIDGET. Distractions are compelling, as is the pace and variety of activities. Drive yourself insane by hoovering up the mental vitality with massive multi-tasking. Cranking diversity too hard though will get you cranky with scattered energy.
June 20, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Lunar Eclipse Thurs Sagittarius “One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul.
Soul on deck shines like gold in dark times. The light of the soul throws sparks, can send up flares, builds signal fires, causes proper matters to catch fire. To display the lantern of soul in shadowy times like these – to be fierce and to show mercy toward others; both are acts of immense bravery and greatest necessity.” (Clarissa Pinkola Estes)
June 14, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Gemini New Moon partial eclipse – June 1st/2nd – is the first of three eclipses. The next being a total lunar eclipse June 16, and lastly another partial solar eclipse, July 1st. Eclipses are accelerators: The new cycle sees socially flirtatious Venus in Gemini and communicative Mercury loquaciously agile fidgety in its own sign sparking clever thinking, live-wire conversations and mental message massages.
Jittery minds curiously zip, flip, flitter, twitter, facebook feeds screeds, hyper link leaps heaps, discover old & new peeps, random data dance entranced. Accelerated air-current info-flux, peaking with big-picture-vision purging of old truths on the Sagittarian Full Moon – eclipsed by the Earth’s shadow – June 16.
Deeper commitment, Saturn Libra, goes direct June 13, ideal for firming up alliances and revisioning hung up partnerships.
June 01, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (141)
When transformational Pluto was transiting Sagittarius, an archetype related to world creation myths and theology of God consciousness, the dark side of traditional religion was highlighted. Symbolically played out by the pivotal turning point 9-11 NY events ushering in the 21st century epoch.
Now Pluto is transiting through Capricorn, an archetype associated with business and politics, reflective of the current breaking-down of banking and corporate structures, as well as quaking transformative fractures to earth structures.
Artist, Heidi Taillefer, says: "Detritus of Devotion is a painting about violence and hatred caused by religious intolerance, and the wars it has ignited throughout the ages. The angel descending is Religion personified, made of elements symbolizing the worlds three largest monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. As cousins of each other, they revolve around a commonly shared ancestor, Abraham, represented by the goat that was slaughtered in place of his son. Religion is composed of various iconographies, as well rats and military ordinance, representing the destruction and decay brought fourth out of ideological discord. The woman lying dead on the ground is Peace, who has been slain by Religion in all its fury. She is distinguishable by the olive-branch crown and twig which she possesses, as well as the barren cornucopia once filled with the fruit of happiness. The setting is middle-eastern out of which developed all three faiths, as the cradle of civilization. Set before the city of Jerusalem, innocent children of all three faiths weep and mourn the death of Peace, while a procession of Crusaders moves past Muslim and Jewish soldiers in the distance, and the four horsemen of the Apocalypse ride ahead of the oncoming wrath of God."
May 31, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (0)
May 30, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (0)